The ABCs of Life Coaching

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The ABCs of
Life Coaching

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Hey everyone, Jay Shetty here…

I'm so excited to welcome you to this virtual workshop.

I've decided to create this letter after getting so many requests from people who feel called to help others through coaching - but are unsure where to start.

We all can agree that there are so many myths, misconceptions, and mixed information about the coaching profession. Especially in an online world.

And it’s so easy to get lost and overwhelmed…

The online research through various sources sometimes makes you even more confused about what coaching is - and what steps you need to take to become a coach.

This workshop is focused on providing facts, clarity, and missing information.

To ANYONE who’s interested in becoming a professional coach.

Before choosing any profession, we must first understand what it actually entails…

How our day or week can look like…

And which skills and qualities do we need to acquire and develop to succeed in this profession.

I hope this letter will help you discover your passion or make an informed decision about your future career path.

I have no other expectations from you.

I'm sure you heard a lot about the success of my accredited coaching certification school, which I launched on the 9th of March, 2020.

As of today, my certification school has trained over 2,700 new life coaches.

Jay Shetty certified coaches are already changing the lives of their clients through the ripple effect of coaching.

People often ask me…

Why did I decide to create a coaching certification school?

If you follow me on social media or listen to my podcast, you know that my vision and my life purpose is to transform 1 billion lives from my own experience.

I know that the biggest transformation occurs when you're working with a qualified, powerful coach in a one-to-one format.

I hired many coaches throughout my career.

Each one of them has helped me uncover my resourcefulness, discover a new talent, or raise my insight and awareness about my potential.

Without them, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

My coaches also inspired me to become a coach myself…

And start changing the lives of my clients - paying forward what I have received from their coaching service.

Service became the key word in my coaching philosophy and it’s the main key word of our community and the movement of the Jay Shetty coaches. 

I wanted to create a one of a kind, fully accredited coach training school.

Which will empower, educate and mentor coaches who are change makers - driven by service.

And that is how the journey of the Jay Shetty Certification School began.

The rest is now history!

Though you can always track our journey on my certification social media accounts.

I know that coaching is a way to create a new world where compassion, absence of judgment, and intuitive understanding become the key values.

If we can make coaching a part of everyone's life, if we can make it accessible to every community - we can change the world.

So without further ado…

Let me help you discover if coaching is the right profession for you and the right choice through the following steps:

  • Step one, I will help you understand the definition of coaching.
  • Step two, I will explain what the coaching mindset means and some of its components.
  • Step three, I will walk you through my author coaching framework that I use with my own one-on-one private coaching clients.

Let's dive right into step one…

STEP #1 - Define Coaching

As you may already know…

My certification School is accredited by the Association for Coaching, which forms a global mentoring and coaching alliance, GCMA.

The Association for Coaching defines coaching as a collaborative solution focused, results oriented and systematic process.

In which the coach facilitates the enhancement of work performance, life experience, self-directed learning, and personal growth of the client.

I'm sure this definition might seem complex to you right now…

And that’s why I will be explaining it further to ensure you understand all the terms provided in this definition.

TERM ONE: “Coaching is a collaborative process…”

This term explains the format of the relationship between the coach and the client.

Collaborative process indicates that as a coach, you partner with your clients during the coaching process.

It also indicates absence of any hierarchy in a coach, client relationship.

Coach and client are at the same level. They partner and collaborate…

A coach is not an expert in a client's life.

TERM TWO: “Coaching is a solution focused and results oriented process…”

This term explains the objective of the coaching relationship.

If you thought about becoming a coach, you probably asked yourself:

How will I know if my coaching is making an impact?

How will I understand if I am a great coach for my client?

The solutions and results that your client receives during your coaching relationship determine the impact of your coaching.

In other words, the only metric of your coaching effectiveness is the results your client gets.

TERM THREE: “Coaching is a systematic process…”

Behind the coaching process there is always a system which consists of various elements.

These elements include:

  • Coaching approach
  • The way the coach delivers their service to clients
  • Theories and sciences that underpin every coach's approach
  • Coaching models and frameworks
  • Coaching tools and techniques
  • Coaching industry regulations
  • And codes of conduct

Apart from these elements, there are working process stages that every professional coach establishes with their clients.

These stages usually include preparation, contracting, coaching, and evaluation.

TERM FOUR: “Coaching is a process where the coach facilitates the enhancement of performance, life experience, self-directed learning, and personal growth of the client.”

This term indicates to us, that core function of the coach in a coach client relationship.
And this function is to facilitate.

So your role is to not teach, advise, mentor, heal, rescue - but to facilitate.

So what do you facilitate as a coach for your client?

  • Enhancement of client's performance
  • Rich and fuller life experience
  • Self-directed learning
  • Personal growth of the client

Let's look at self-directed learning during the coaching process…

The client does not learn from a coach from a book, from a course, or from a video lesson.

During the coaching process, clients learn about their own resourcefulness, previously accumulated knowledge, existing wisdom, skills, and experience.

In other words…coaching is the learning process directed inward.

So by now, you can already see how the coaching profession is different from training or mentoring.

As in coaching, we do not transfer our experiences, knowledge or skills to the client as a self-directed learning journey.

Coaching aims to switch the focus of the client inward and learn from their own existing resources.

So now you know exactly what coaching is, our next step is…

STEP #2 - Understand The Coaching Mindset

Coaching mindset is a set of coaching beliefs, values, and principles.

Which form and influence the coach's worldview thought process, and mental maps of decision making. 

Being a powerful coach means thinking differently…

Viewing others differently…

And interpreting communications and behaviors from a different perspective.

In order to develop the coaching mindset, we need to understand what exactly forms it. 

Some of the elements of the coaching mindset are:

  • Coaching beliefs
  • Coaching values
  • Ethical principles
  • Coaching focus

In his article, “The impact and importance of beliefs in coaching”, Jan Bros writes that beliefs are our ideas of generalizations that we make about the world.

Based on our life experiences, beliefs are judgments and evaluations that we make about ourselves and others.

And they determine our motivation, feelings, and actions.

When my certification school students begin their coaching journey, they always start with…

Let's take an example:

Based on your previous life experiences, you may have formed a belief that people are capable of 360 degree career changes only until a particular age. 

OR if they have enough knowledge, education, and work experience. 

When you train to become a coach…

You will have to unlearn this belief and replace it with an empowering coaching belief. That says every person is capable of anything they set their mind to.

As everyone is unique, creative, resourceful, and whole.

Let's take another example:

Based on the environment you grew up and lived in, you formed a belief that people should make choices and decisions according to a set of specific norms.

This belief forms your behavior.

And when you see someone choosing or deciding against the acceptable norms - you subconsciously judge their decisions or their choices.

When you become a professional coach…

You'll need to unlearn disbelief and replace it with everyone makes the best decision available to them at the time they make it.

Coaching values are equally important…

They're your guiding compass and an internal regulator.

Examples of key coaching values are:

  • Compassion, consideration, no judgment, empathy, commitment, integrity, service, and courage

And finally…

Let's talk about focus…

Coaching is all about listening effectively and being able to hear the unsaid.

Attention control is a critical aspect of coach development.

As a professional coach needs to have equally developed inner outer and other focus.

What I love about coaching is the systematic and individualized approach. Which allows the clients to find a greater awareness and understanding about themselves.

This structure is what has drawn me to coaching.

Eventually I got to a point where I realized that my fascination WASN’T about being a life coach…

It WASN’T even about being a business coach or about having my own business...

Rather, it was about developing human emotional intelligence skills.

It was about listening and hearing what was unsaid.

It was about exploring the unconscious beliefs and connection beyond what the person is saying.

It was about hearing and understanding what they are not saying.

Now…imagine the impact that you would be able to create for your clients as a coach if you helped them to do the following:

  • Discover the ability to solve their problems using their internal resources.
  • Empower them to achieve even those goals that seemed impossible to them prior to working with you.
  • Procreate a system that works for their unique needs and lifestyle.
  • Uncover a previously unknown and truly rich life experience for them.
  • Help them grow in all aspects of their lives as a person, partner, professional, and parent.

Imagine all these changes made possible, visible and tangible for someone…

Because of YOUR coaching expertise.

My students build their coaching expertise with me in my accredited coaching training school to bring these kinds of results to their clients.

I teach my signature coaching approach and methodology that I use to transform over 10,000 lives of my coaching clients over the last year.

Today, I want to show you an overview of my coaching methodology that made all of these success stories possible.

I call it…

STEP #3 - The ABCs Of Coaching

The ABC framework is a nine step process.

Which my students learn, master, and incorporate into their coaching practice while working with their clients.

Those nine steps are grouped into stages - the A's, B's, and Cs.

Stage 1: Awareness

We always start with awareness.

In order to become optimally effective in our life, we need to know ourselves deeply.

Remember, you don't know what you don't know about your own capabilities, skills, talents, thought patterns, and even motivations…

Unless you dive a few layers deeper with the right guidance.

And find clarity in your thoughts, desires, motivations, values and intentions.

Some people can do this on their own through internal dialogue and deep reflection…

But most need guidance from a coach to reach the high level of awareness that is needed to change and grow.

Stage 2: Audit

This stage of coaching helps clients identify their new values and priorities according to their discoveries.

During the awareness stage, it is not a secret that values define our behavior.

Emotional responses, actions, and words as coaching helps the client achieve the positive chains that they seek.

The audit step helps identify what holds them back at the subconscious level…

By taking stock of their lives in different areas.

Such as career and finances, relationships, health, spirituality, personal growth and recreation.

My clients and students discover what they need to do and why to move forward.

Stage 3: Accountability

At this stage, the coach and client explored the client's readiness to take the responsibility...

And commitment needed for the positive change to happen.

The coach also helps the client develop the necessary flexibility in their mindset and behavior.

Which is vital to achieve the desired results.

Stage 4: Big Goals

By this stage, the client is ready to define, establish, and commit to a smart goal…

One single most important goal to them in their life at this point.

To be most effective, the coach guides the client to make the goal that is:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time bound

Using these 5 key stages, the coach helps the client evaluate the achievability of the goal…

And create an action plan that is realistic and comfortable for the client to achieve at the given time.

The client decides the pace, the methods, the tools, and the ways they prefer to be held accountable under the expert guidance of their coach.

Step 5: Building Habits

In the fifth step, we focus on building habits in support of their goal.

As the client starts working on their goals, it becomes apparent which habits and thinking patterns need to be created or changed. To achieve the mindset and behavior flexibility required for the greatest success.

The coach guides the client to identify their harmful and supportive habits…

Commit to necessary change…

And plan the implementation and new routines.

Step 6: Balanced Reflection

At this stage, the client develops their own mechanisms for awareness, analysis, and evaluation.

As they become more confident, resourceful, and capable to live the new lifestyle that they have been creating in coaching.

Reflection is defined as a calm, lengthy, and intense consideration of one's thoughts and insights.

The goal is to bring the client to the level of awareness that enables the so-called reflection in action to occur naturally every time a client faces an unknown or challenging situation.

Step 7: Consistency

By now, you have probably come to realize that coaching is not about one off problem solving…

But rather a consistent development of competencies.

In which lies its power to ensure your client can now deal with other challenges in their lives beyond their original priority.

It is important to develop consistency in their mindset, behavior, and emotional responses. To extend the scope of their creativity and resourcefulness.

Step 8: Comfort Level Challenge

Neil Donald Walsh once said: “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone”...

The concept is also applicable to coaching too.

A comfort zone is a psychological state that provides familiarity, safety, and ease…

But great things never come from always following the path of least resistance.

Once you observe consistent growth and a certain level of competence in your client…

It’s your responsibility as a coach to stretch their current limits to ensure they can see, know, and develop even more of their own abilities.

By challenging their comfort zones, you help your clients build a deep confidence and self-trust within themselves.

Step 9: Competence Mastery

The final stage of the coaching relationship occurs when you can see your client incorporating the new habits to the point when they become ingrained and subconscious.

All the old, unhelpful behavior and thinking patterns are gone. And no longer hold your client back from achieving their goals.

Your client is now capable of anything they set their mind to - they are unstoppable.

They possess the power and internal control to optimize their lives and fulfill their purpose…

And they're able to see it, realize it, and live it…

Because of your expertise in coaching.

As you can see…

My ABC framework is a unique blueprint for an effective coaching process.

Right now, there's a HUGE need and opportunity for coaches…

Recently I was reading a World Health Organization study that estimates that depression and anxiety disorders cost the global economy 1 trillion each year due to a loss in productivity that is over and above the personal loss of satisfaction and wellbeing.

So when you look at the challenges that people are facing, which are only increasing…

Whether that's because of the pandemic…

Or the challenges we're seeing around the world…

Or whether it's just accelerating because of how busy and hectic our lives have become…

There's a huge need and opportunity for coaches in many different areas and settings.

I'm not only talking about personal coaching of individuals…

Or contracting coaches to companies and institutions.

What if every leader, manager and teacher was trained to be a coach by knowing how to build an engaging, open and caring culture?

Through asking the right questions, facilitating awareness and encouraging conversations, mental health and other challenges can be managed - before they get too serious.

In other words…

Well-developed coaching skills and abilities help a person understand and support others to become aware of and navigate their challenges…

While finding and implementing opportunities and solutions.

I really believe…

Coaching Is The #1 Skill Needed In Every Home, Community, and Workplace

Because the success and fulfillment of each individual are what takes us all forward together.


Do you feel called to help other people through coaching?

Do you want to do work that truly matters every day?

If you are driven by service like my students…

I invite you to apply for admission at my Coaching Certification School.

Simply fill out the application form, and one of my admission advisors will give you a call.

During this call you'll be asked about your motivation and existing knowledge of coaching - foundations is a part of the admission assessment.

You have nothing to worry about though…

As this workshop has equipped you with the necessary foundational knowledge.

I'm wishing you the best of luck with your admission interview.

And I hope to meet you inside my Coaching Certification School during our monthly Q&A sessions that I'm involved in.

I'll see you there.